

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[大学里的金融学都要学些什么?有哪些课程]主干课程如下:: 第一学期:公司财务、、英语( 1、2) 第二学期:英语( 1、2)、金融统计与分析 第三学期:现代货币金融学说、保险学概论、宏微观经济学 第四学期:中央银行理论与实务、 第...+阅读







Thoughts on financial crisisToday's financial crisis is not 98 years of the Asian financial crisis. Over the years China's economic development is 98 years of worship of the Asian financial turmoil has done. 98 years ago, the world's largest retailer Wal-Mart, it is not a provider of China, but Southeast Asia and, of course, can be said that China and they were evenly divided. That is to say they are competitors and the Chinese position. The most intense competition, the Southeast Asia financial crisis broke out, fell into a period of 4-5 years of struggle. . West was not affected, but also received some additional profits. . This doomed the West increasing trend in consumption. . . Just think, opponents lost 4-5 years, which most of the time by the Chinese to be accidental. .Today, we face the financial crisis in 98 years and different. . China's own market is Europe and the United States of Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is the world's largest retailer. It is the United States, family businesses, as France's Carrefour, like. But now the financial crisis would affect the course of Wal-Mart, then as a Wal-Mart products provider in China, at present, lack of external demand, domestic demand also can not simply start serious is the problem of excess production capacity. .Although China's financial system is not completely open to the public, has its relative independence. Although this time of financial crisis appears to be little impact on the surface, but! Credit expansion due to the economic entity, the businessmen have been misled, they invest in those projects, those who even under normal circumstances is not necessarily profitable projects, they have been a positive impact is inevitable. . Read some of the Friends of Bo Bowen, suffering from the impact zone of the Pearl River Delta. . A large number of layoffs, a large number of factories closing down. . A just and Guangdong Guest chat, he said that there was a daily average around 100 to close the factory is closed. . . Many people lose their jobs. . Workers in the Government paid up front of the building assembly. . . This thought-provoking. . . This is only the question of just taking a bubble out. .Next year, next year a financial crisis on China's influence, ...


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