

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初中英语阅读题急]Jack had a small,red car,and he always drives very fast. This was all right when he was out in the countryside,but in towns and big cities driving fast is very...+阅读

situation 1 情景一 ON the phone 打电话

A: Hello may I speak to Tom?你好,请问汤姆在吗?

B:Sorry, he was out just now.对不起,他刚刚出去了,

I am his brother,Jim.我是他的哥哥吉姆

would you like me to take a massage?你愿意我给你捎个信吗?

A:Thank you very much.谢谢

My classmates and I are going to have pinic tomorrow. We want to know if he can come with us .我和我的通许明天要去野餐,我们想知道他去不去。

B:Ok, I will tell him.我会告诉他的。

A :Thanks, if he goes,please let him call me.谢谢,如果他去的话就给我打个电话。

B:Ok,what is your name?你叫什么名字?

A: Jhon. Can I spell it?约翰,要我拼写吗?

B:No,I will tell him as soon as he comes.不用了,他一回来我就告诉他。




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