

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[高中英语重点单词分析辨析用法举例]join 意为“加入某一种组织,成为其中一员”, join 后面还可接表示人的名词或代词,表示加入到 某人或某些人 的行列中去。如: We are going for a swim . Will you come and join...+阅读


Hi, my name is Aurora. I am 23, and last year I was graduated from the Jiangxi Technological Institute of Industrial Vocations. My major was Business English. The college education provided me with a four-year experience of solid training, where I have got excellent results.

After the graduation, I wanted to temper my personal ability by finding a job away from my hometown. I worked for one year in Shanghai as a telephone salesperson, which gave me valuable experiences of interacting with other people, listening to them as well as convincing them on the quality of what I was promoting.

I was born in Nanchang City, the capital of Jiangxi Province. It is a beautiful place with breathtaking views overlooking the mighty Yangtze River. To be born in this paradise city is the greatest luck I have ever had, where the natural essence and harmonized living environment nurtured my characters.

I have no brothers or sisters, the full love of my parents formed me an open personality. I am easygoing, and am keen in learning new things. I am a good team-worker, cooperating well with others. I have also a vivid extracurricular life with abound hobbies, such as singing, dancing, drawing, with which I was in several contests and won prizes. I love children, and my dream career is to be an outstanding teacher. That was why I have applied for this job. I will be working very hard to fulfill my duty as a teacher, and I hope that you will give me a consideration to be a qualified candidate.

Thank you very much!


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