

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语教育系所要学的必修科目]一、培养目标: 培养学生德、智、体、美诸方面协调发展的,适应中小学素质教育和教育现代化要求的,具有创新能力、教育科研能力和终身学习能力的中、小学英语教育师资。 二、主干...+阅读

首先,那个词 "bride" 应该是 "bribe" 才对吧?一开始我还以为讨论的话题是有关于欧美男士在东南亚买新娘的问题呢,吓了我一大跳。。。Any way, here are some of my opinions:

First of all, different individuals have diferent moral standards. Some have higher tolerance against unethical behaviors, some have lower tolerance. In my opinion, bribery is never the right thing to do; however, under certain circumstances, bribery is a necessity, espeically in those countries that have under-developed legal systems.

Most countries in South America are excellent examples, such as Peru. The legal systems in these countries are not completely developed to protect investors and people alike. Government officials are accustomed to accepting briberies to get things done. In such an environment, if you don't offer briberies, it will be very difficult (if not next to impossible) to make decent progress, either in business or in other aspects. For this reason, briberies become a necessity.

As far as the Bible goes, I can't recall any phrases or principles that is specifically related to briberies. However, I may not know enough about the Bible, since I didn't study it in detail. Though I don't think that biblical principles should be brought into this discussion, because not everybody is a Christian and there might be people who are not comfortable to talk about religion. For this exact reason, it is a norm not to talk about politics or religion in most situations. Even in the U.S., where most people are either Christian or Cathlic, the topics related to God are rarely discussed in schools.



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