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英语短剧 小蝌蚪找妈妈 The Little Tadpoles Looking for His Mother小蝌蚪找妈妈 This is a big and nice pool. The water is clean and the lotuses are beautiful. One morning, some butterflies and dragonflies are flying over the pool. Butterflies:Hello! Dragonflies: Hi! Mothers: Be careful! Have a good day! Goodbye! Bs/ Ds:Bye, Mom! ( 两只小蝴蝶与两只小蜻蜓一起跟着音乐飞来飞去、玩耍) At the corner, some little tadpoles are sleeping. T1(伸懒腰,侧耳倾听)isten! Listen! So noisy. Let's go and see. T2:OK. Wow! A new world! How nice! Bs/Ds: Good morning. Ts:Good morning. Who are you? Bs:We're butterflies. Ds:We're dragonflies. Who are you? Ts:We're little tadpoles. Let's be friends. Bs/Ds: All right. Let's sing and dance. Ts: OK. (小蝌蚪、蝴蝶、蜻蜓边唱“Ten Little Good Friends” 边跳舞,然后蝴蝶妈妈和蜻蜓妈妈过来了) Ms: My darling! Bs/Ds: Mummy! Mummy! These are little tadpoles, our new friends. Ms: Nice to meet you. Ts:Nice to meet you. Ms: Darling, are you hungry? Bs/Ds: Yes, yes, we are hungry. Ms: Let's go home. Bs/Ds: OK. Goodbye, little tadpoles. Ts: Bye! The little tadpoles are swimming in the pool. They're sad now. ------ [hide=-1] T3(哭泣): Where's our mummy? T1: Don't cry. Don't cry. Let's go and look for her. (鱼出场) Ts: Mummy! Mummy! F: Good morning, Little Tadpoles. T4: Good morning, Madam. Are you my Mummy? F: No, I'm not. T4: Where's my Mummy? F: Sorry, I don't know. (鸭子出场) D: Good morning, Little Tadpoles. T5: Good morning, Madam. Are you my Mummy? D: No, I'm not. T5: Where's my Mummy? D: Your mummy has four legs. You can go there and look for her. (乌龟出场) Tor: Good morning, Little Tadpoles. T6: Good morning, Madam. Are you my Mummy? Tor: No, I'm not your Mummy. Your Mummy is green. She's over there. (青蛙出场) Ts: Mummy! Mummy! M: Here I am! Here I am! Ts: Mummy! Mummy! We miss you. M: Honey, I miss you, too. Let's swim together, Honey. Ts: We love you, Mummy. Let's go. (青蛙妈妈带领小蝌蚪们离开)


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