

03月18日 编辑 39baobao.com


The quality of family relationships are often dealing with the hearts of the children played a very important role. When children pass the examinations will not be poor academic results. Some parents would accuse each other of their children's education is too negligent to hear that your child will think there is psychological pressure, such as children and parents on the runaways. Are due to family discord, therefore, mutual understanding communication is the most important. For the children, parents should always run from time to time to show concern and timely to talk about the heart. The only way to let children feel the warmth of the family, but also to promote family harmony家庭关系处理的好坏往往在孩子心中起了非常重要的作用。当孩子读书成绩不好考试不及格。有些家长就会互相指责对方,对子女的教育太过疏忽,这让孩子听到的话就会觉得有心理压力,比如孩子离家出走就和家长有关。



Start by asking everyone you meet, “How are you?” as if you really want to know, then listen to the reply. Be the one who hears. Most of us also need to smile more often. If you don't smile at the person you love first thing in the morning, you're sucking energy out of your relationship. Finally, help another person and make the help real, concrete. Give a massage (按摩) to someone you love, or cook her dinner. Then, expand the circle to work. Try asking yourself what you'd do if your goal were to be helpful rather than efficient.

After all, if it's true that what goes around comes around, why not make sure that what's circulating around you is the good stuff?


我帮你找的。 The quality of family relationships are often dealing with the hearts of the children played a very important role. When children pass the examinations will not be poor academic results. Some parents would accuse each other of their children's education is too negligent to hear that your child will think there is psychological pressure, such as children and parents on the runaways. Are due to family discord, therefore, mutual understanding communication is the most important. For the children, parents should always run from time to time to show concern and timely to talk about the heart. The only way to let children feel the warmth of the family, but also to promote family harmony 家庭关系处理的好坏往往在孩子心中起了非常重要的作用。当孩子读书成绩不好考试不及格。有些家长就会互相指责对方,对子女的教育太过疏忽,这让孩子听到的话就会觉得有心理压力,比如孩子离家出走就和家长有关。



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