

11月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何在阅读教学中提高学生的写作能力]如何在阅读教学中提高学生的写作能力 户县涝店镇中心学校 王可 阅读与写作是语文学科中的主体内容,阅读是写作的基础和借鉴,写作是阅读的升华和创造。自从教育部“十五”规划...+阅读

1.Should old people stay at home or be placed in nursing homes?

2.Modern lifestyles mean that many parents he little time for their children. Many children do not get as much attention from their parents as children did in the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3.Nowadays, nurseries and kindergartens take care of children from an early age, so women can return to their work and children can get used to the society early. Is this a good thing? What’s your opinion?

4.Corporal punishment has been practiced in families for quite a long time. In recent years, people’s attitudes towards this practice he undergone drastic changes. Nowadays many people strongly oppose it. Should corporal punishment be abolished?

5.It is generally acknowledged

that families are now not as close as they used to be. Give possible reasons and your remendations.

6.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of city life

7.Traffic jam is a problem in most cities all round the world at present. What causes the problem? Make some remendations.

8.In some countries, sports and entertainment personalities earn higher salaries than professionals like doctors, nurses and teachers. Why do you think this happens in some societies and do you consider it is good or bad?

9.Some people propose that smoking should be banned pletely. What is your opinion?

10.Nowadays the jet plane is considered to be one of the most important and influential inventions in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


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