

12月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学五年级英语语法现在完成时]小学五年级英语语法:现在完成时 构成:主语+助动词he, has+过去分词 用法: 2) 表示过去发生的和现在有某种联系的动作,常和just, usually, already, since等时间副词连用 I he ju...+阅读

Logical Fallacies

I.(logical perfection is superior to grammatical imperfection, the first and foremost issue of GMAT grammar is logic)

(i)"Shanghai is bigger than any cities in China." is mistaken because Shanghai cannot be larger than any cities that inclusive of itself. So it should be "Shanghai is bigger than any other cities in China."

(ii)Blind eyesight; visible welength are logically flawed arrangement; it should be "blind people", "visible radiation" instead.

(iii)Price cannot cause inflation but Price Increase can.

(iv)前后转折关系(by transitional words as "but" etc.)是否成立要看前后的分类标

(v)准是否统一:big measurement→small measurement





Five hundred students each he a puter.

Each of five hundred students he a puter.

Leaf and *** material, the most *** parts, Vt.s

Five hundred students, groups each he a puter.





(xii)Never, Whether, What, Should在一个完整句子做整个句子的主语,(xiii)谓语动作用单数。

(xiv)代词指(xv)代,同(xvi)样一句话中相同(xvii)的代词指(xviii)代相同(xix)的事物:they, them, their在一句话中必须指(xx)代同(xxi)主体。


(xxii)Exoneration and his freedom例题:泛指(xxiii)和特指(xxiv)不(xxv)能对称;代词是个特指(xxvi)概念,(xxvii)不(xxviii)能随意丢失,(xxix)否则句子意思发生变化。




3、如:It is you who is my friend that……


(xxx)require somebody to do something that +虚拟语气省略should of somebody that +虚拟语气省略should (xxxi)as的固定搭配begin as, depict as, regard as, perceive as, represent as, see as, be prizeless as, be acclaimed as, think of as, be seem as (xxxii)to be: consider something (省略to be) something [正确答案的出现方式] (xxxiii)help

a)help somebody to do something

b)help (to do) something

c)helpful in doing

(xxxiv)at point; at pole; at equator; aim at doing something

(xxxv)forbid somebody to do something; forbid something

(xxxvi)prohibit somebody from doing something; prohibit something

(xxxvii)pare A to B (把A比作B)

(xxxviii)pare A with B (相同(xxxix)事物比较)

(xl)in that标(xli)准书面英语,(xlii)汉译为"原因体现在"

(xliii)more ancient标(xliv)准书面英语


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