

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com


In order to construct the harmonious campus, this semester my school develops the activity “ paying attention to everybody" in the school ". The schoolmaster first sets an example and pays attention to each organized group member and each teaching and administrative staff in turn. And then the directors and group leaders in turn pay attention to each teaching and administrative staff which has jurisdiction over in the scope, The teaching and administrative staff pays attention to each student in turn. The content includes: Paying attention to individual prospect, study, personal achievements and honor; helping them to solve the difficulty and question in individual development, the study, and the work; paying attention to their opinion and suggestion to each work of the school. At present, this activity already officially started. All plans already appeared, Each superintendent goes into action .people talk about individual prospect, study, work, life and development and expressed their idea freely. The atmosphere is friendly and happy. The concern and support of the leaders warm everybody. The activity makes the harmonious atmosphere of my school even more thick.


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