

11月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[最新2017年悉尼大学教育学国际教育硕士专业]悉尼大学(: .sydney./)主要校区紧靠新南威尔士的首府悉尼市中心西南,占地72公顷靠近中央车站及唐人街,离中心商业区仅5分钟的路程。其它校园分布在城市中心及其周围。悉尼大学...+阅读

1.Sending criminal to pension or give education or job training methods instead. What is you extent?

2. The new media he influence for our life and that this is negative development. Do you agree or disagree.

3. Memorization of information by frequency repetition (rote learning) plays a role in education system to what extend do you agree or disagree.

4.Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve traffic and pollution. What extend do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think more effective?考试大

5. Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by government rather than private panies

6. Advertising is discouraging us from different individuals and makes everyone to be and to look the same. Agree or disagree?

7.Modern lifestyles mean that many parents he little time for their children. Many children suffer because they do not get as much atten tion from their parents as children did in the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

8.In many countries television shows many foreign-made programmes. The dominance of imported entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

9.People nowadays work hard to buy more things. This has made our lives generally more fortable but many traditional values and customs he been lost and this is a pity. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

10 Many people think the main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and it is the waste of resources and space to provide expensive hi-tech media such as puter software, DVD and Video. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

11 Some people say that the increasing business and culture contract between countries has the positive effect, others say it would loss the countries identities, agree or disagree。

12. Air transport is increasingly used to export types of fruits and vegetables to countries where those plants can’t grow or out of season. Some say it is a good thing, but others consider this use of air transport can’t be justified. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

13.Schools should teach children the academic subjects which will be beneficial in their future career, so other subjects like music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

14.Parents and teachers make many rules for children to encourage good behior and to protect them from danger. However, children would benefit from fewer rules and greater freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

15.Sports and entertainment personalities he higher value than professional workers like doctor, nurse and teacher in some society, why this happened in some society and do you think it is good or bad development


最新2017年悉尼大学教育学硕士体育教练专业悉尼大学(: .sydney./)主要校区紧靠新南威尔士的首府悉尼市中心西南,占地72公顷靠近中央车站及唐人街,离中心商业区仅5分钟的路程。其它校园分布在城市中心及其周围。悉尼大学...

最新2017年悉尼大学物流和供应链管理硕士专业悉尼大学(: .8472./)始建于1850年,悉尼大学从一开始就革新改变了联合王国的古典大学以血统而不以成绩收生的传统。学者和政客的激烈争论促使英国和北美的大学随之改变以应社会...

最新2017年悉尼大学商业硕士物流与供应链管理专业一个半世纪以来,悉尼大学(: .8472./)师生先后创造了无线网络WIFI、心脏起搏器、B超扫描器、飞机黑匣子等改变世界的发明;1/3的澳洲诺贝尔奖得主更是为悉尼大学校友,这一数字遥遥...

最新2017年悉尼大学人力资源管理和劳资关系硕士专业一个半世纪以来,悉尼大学(: usyd.eduau./)师生先后创造了无线网络WIFI、心脏起搏器、B超扫描器、飞机黑匣子等改变世界的发明;1/3的澳洲诺贝尔奖得主更是为悉尼大学校友,这一数字...


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