

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学英语单词1一12点怎么写怎么念]1点:62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333337383838one o'clock 读音[wʌn][əˈklɒk] 2点:two o'clock读音[tu:] [əˈklɒk] 3点:three o'clock 读音[θri:] [əˈklɒk]...+阅读

Hello,boys and girls. Nice to see you again.新学期开始了,我们将会学到一些新句型,为了更好地掌握所学的新句型,复习、重现上学期的重点句型很有必要。你们说,对吗?下面我们就与他们碰个面吧!

一、陈述句: 1. This(That,It) is a book. This(That,It) is not(isn't) a book. 2. There is a pen in the pencil-box. There is not(isn't) a pen in the pencil-box. 3. I am a good boy. I am not a good boy. 4. He(She) is a student. He(She) is not(isn't) a student.

二、一般疑问句及其回答: 1. -Is this(that, it) a bike? -Yes, it is. (No, it isn't.) 2. -Are you a Chinese boy? -Yes, I am.(No, I'm not.) 3. -Is he(she) a teacher? -Yes, he (she) is. (No, he(she) isn't.) 4. -Is there a book on the desk? -Yes, there is. (No, there isn't.)

三、特殊疑问句及其回答: 1. -What's this(that) in English? -It's a car. -What class(grade, row) are you in? -I am in Class(Grade, Row)One. -What's the English for"中国"? -It's "China". 2. -Who are you? -I am Li Yan. -Who is he(she)? -He (She) is my teacher. 3. -Where are you? -I'm in the room. -Where is he(she)? -He(She) is at home (在家). -Where is my book(it)? -It's on the desk. 4. -When is Children's Day? -It's on June 1st. 5. -What time is it? -It's six o'clock. (It's five ten. / It's five past three. / It's two to nine.)


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