

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com


Family income of macro and micro level Macroeconomic viewpoint, the Statistical Bureau statistics annually in an area generally require an average family income, In addition, there is a macro-economic statistical indicators in the disposable income of residents, it contains the income category, and the average family income for basically the same. The micro level refers to a family income of all family members combined. In addition to annual household income of family members of the composition and the ability to work on other family members must also consider the tax factor, as in economic statistics, the taxation belongs to a distribution, while the household consumption may not strictly classified as secondary distribution, while the family income falls between these two tax directly affects the level of the amount of household income. In addition, the macro and micro economic situation will also have an impact on household income, the economy (including macroeconomic, industry, economy, business conditions) during the relatively higher household income, the lower the contrary. As for the urban consumption levels, only a reflection of a family Engel coefficient of the consumption structure and consumption of quality, of course, if insisted on them as a household income of the influencing factors, then it can only collapse of regime theory to explain that, in order to achieve a certain degree of consumption level, forcing the family members have worked to acquire a certain level of income, which in turn explained the problem back to the composition of family members and family members of the working capacity of the revenue impact will come up.


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