

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[应收账款管理英文参考文献]Gilberto Montibellera,Valerie Beltonb and Marcus Vinicius A.Limac Supporting factoring transactions in Brazil using reasoning maps: a language-based DSS for eva...+阅读

When it comes to the best movies that I think of, the two movies really impress me a lot: The Croods and Monsters University. Both of them are cartoons.

The Croods presents the whole Croods family go for their dream under the leader of a brave boy, making us belive that tomorrow is hope and everybody should control their own fate.

Monsters University is also a good one. With different kinds of ugly-looking guys, they make their effort to be sucessful. A cute guy with one eye finally overcome his own weakness with the help of the whole teamwork.


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