

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com



a Friendship can last forever

Talking about friendship,we can always think about the impressing TV show "Friends",the true friendship between Paul McCartney and John Lennon,and the movie Brokeback Mountain,but there is also a movie which tells us about the friendship between animals in the ice age from another angle of view

The movie Ice Age try to use a normal but funny view to tell us something educational,Three aniamls and a little human got together in the cold ice age,the animals try to send this little boy to his home,and this is how the story begins,It's not easy to find something very hard to understand in the entire movie,When you see this movie,the only thing you feel is happy,but after seeing it,when you begin to think something realistic,you will find what I talked before--friendship,a friendship can be anywhere,anytime,between anybody

Another thing can can learn is helping,If we can help others more like the animals in the movie,we will sure learn something good for ourselves

This is what I learned in this movie.






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