

03月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[有英语能者帮忙翻译一下会计专业毕业论文摘要小的不胜感激]At present, the accounting information distortion exposed more and more. False Accounting Information has seriously affected the normal economic order and econo...+阅读

The design of the subject 12 for the University of the South Campus student apartment building # construction organization design, the apartment building is located in Xi'an Yangling District, six-storey brick-concrete structure, construction area of about 5000m2, the architectural design of the total high-21.45m, high levels of 3.3 per m, seismic intensity of 7 degrees, the structure of life for 50 years.

Its main work is divided into four parts: the project in terms of the design construction, construction site, floor plan design, preparation of construction schedule. Calculated in accordance with engineering drawings, construction pipeline construction program options, taking into account engineering and construction programs, the combination of the overall construction period and part of each project with the number and the number of days the progress of plans to draw Bar chart integrated Factors to consider the venue, transport factors, manpower and equipment with the case of a more reasonable choice of programs to map out the construction site layout plan.

Keywords: construction organization design; construction schedule; construction site layout plan; pipeline construction







关键词: 结构材料;混凝土; 建筑材料

The application and development of concrete


High-strength concrete as a new building materials, with its high compressive strength, anti-deformation capability, high density and low porosity of the superiority in high-rise building stru- ture, the structure of long-span bridges, as well as some special structure is widely applicated.This article focused on the production of high-strength concrete and construction technology.

Of concrete (high-performance concrete, reactive powder concrete, low-strength concrete, lightweight concrete, steel fiber reinforced concrete, self-compacting concrete, smart concrete, etc.) and concrete reinforcing material (non-metallic reinforcement, a new type of prestressed steel bars, etc.) in recent years application and development, some studies were made.

Keyword:construction materials;concrete;architecture materials



Abstract:To study the application of continuum structural topology optimization methods to real engineering structures,an optimization method for an optimal topology design of multistory steel frame bracing systems is presented.On a sensitivity analysis,an element removal criterion for continuum structures with stress and multi-displacement constraints under multiple lateral loading conditions is proposed.A concept of mean thickness of a design domain is provided to ensure the reasonableness of optimal results.In the proposed optimization method,the optimal design of an unbraced steel frame without displacement constraints is performed firstly,and then the optimal topology of a bracing system for the multistory steel frame considering displacement constraints is obtained by using evolutionary structural optimization and the given removal criterion,and finally the optima layout of the bracing system is interpreted as bracing members.An example of 3-bay 12-story plane steel frame shows that it is effective for the given optimization method in the optimal design of bracing systems for multistory steel frames.

Key words:steel frame;bracing system;continuum;topology optimization;evolutionary structural optimization






According to architectural design and structural loading, seismic requirements and geological conditions, we could make sensible selection of structure and the arrange of the whole structure. After the identification of structural sizes, we shall select a product that is mainly a horizontal structure for design calculation, using the software of PKPM to PK calculate for the structural framework of the product and SATWE calculate for the entire frame structure .Completing the stair design and basic design leads to drawing out the drawings of relevant architectural and structure.

As a undergraduate majoring in engineering, graduation is a particularly important part, which is a comprehensive application of the knowledge we have learned in the university. It not only makes our knowledge systematic, but makes the knowledge practical. The graduation, requiring us to understand and grasp the whole process of architectural design , trains our independent ability to analyze and solve practical problems and innovation, and strengthens the capacity of our research, collection and reading foreign literature, so that we can get the training similar to engineers' basic training. Through a complete graduation, we will get systematic knowledge about related design specifications, manuals, standard drawings and common methods using in engineering practice .



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