

03月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[谁有关于统计方面的论文]1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。 2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录) 3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超...+阅读



Packing machine is a product production and outsourcing machines collectively. Mainly two aspects:

1. Overall production pipeline-packaging, used in the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries (bagged, bottled) product filling (Tim charge), sealing machine, a code.

Major include: liquid (paste) Filling Machine, Pillow-style packaging machine, the powder particles packaging machines.

2. Products external packaging equipment for the production came out, spraying (a) production date, sealed samples, shrinkage

Major include: filling machine, sealing machine, Stenciling Unit, pressing machine, vacuum machine, shrinking machines, vacuum packing machines.




Laws of Packaging Design(不断更新中)

1.Simplicity comes from grayish colour. Usually dark red or greenish black.

2.Cursive hand writings——High class

3.Black is distinguished.

4.When talking about tea package, who suspects the device and veins are grass green and the background color is vermeil.

5.Sometimes the Cursive hand writings serves as the blackground.

6.Poetry and Print add to the elegance.


包装是现代商品生产和营销最重要的环节之一。 Package is one of the most important parts in the production and sales of morden goods. 最初的商品包装主要是为了方便顾客携带。 The initial purpose of packing is convenient for customers to take. 包装的要求有:







(7)有环保意识. Packing requirements:

(1)the memorizable title/name

(2)the noticeable appearance

(3)the simple and clear print

(4)showing the reputation

(5)the fresh colors

(6)the regionally mark/symbol

(7)environmental protection 其中特别要在注意的是在包装上印刷上此产品在搬运的过程中要注意的事项,如:小心轻放、切勿倒置、防潮等 Among of these, specially the precautions during the transportation should be printed on the package, such as handle with care, keep upright, protect against the tide, etc.包装设计(packing design) 包装设计的构思,下面的是参考:)~~ Moreover, such a variety of forms as concept, sense, tactile sensation, sense of listening, either tangible or intangible, visible or invisible, enter almost every corner of our life. All in all, the traditional packing concepts have lagged behind the development that this age requires. Key words: traditional packing design and domain, the expansion and importance of modern packing design, the packing era of new concept and new media. Have one to make and design convenient and advantage of factory to analogous to the ancient type of banner hoisted on a feather decked mast to offer to them,And prevent necessary writing fund input designed by oneself of the customer and managerial question at the same time.


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