

03月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[flash论文的中文摘要翻译成英文摘要]In the modern teaching, the traditional teaching has already cannot satisfy the requirement of modern teaching, the teaching way and teachers etc are put forwar...+阅读

In the circulation of commodities, trademark is on behalf of the commodity symbols. Use brand advertising goods, set a good corporate image, has become a national developing international market potential and important way to promote the development of international trade. In this paper, from three angles to explore how to achieve correct, faithfully and accurately translated trademark, enhance product competitiveness, help enterprises to achieve good economic benefits.


写论文属于做研究了,不管是更高级还是本科,都要表现独立分析问题,解决问题的能力了。 所以,这类问题是不能指望人家在里告诉你的。 从题目来看,你应该是英语专业的吧。那你应该怎么做呢? 研究现状就是要表明你对所研究的话题有多了解,现在有多少人在做关于英汉商标语翻译的研究。 你可以到专门有学术论文的地方去查找类似的文献,比如到CNKI上面查找,一般到你所在的学校图书馆就可以了,这也是你能力的一部分。用“英汉商标语的翻译”去查找,或者用“英汉商标语”去查找,最好能找一本书专门论述这方面的内容的,但可能性不大,因为这个话题比较小。所以找一找中国外语类杂志上面的文章,看看都有哪些人做了类似研究。 然后综述他们的成果,就是研究现状综述。

当然要做得更专业,还有更细致的要求,不过,对本科来说,这样足够了。 另外,别忘记了,你其实可以多你的指导老师,他一定会耐心告诉你怎么做的。

商标翻译的发展史最好要英文的还有the translation of the

Patents, trademarks, and copyrights have an extensive history dating as far back as 5,000 years ago when the Neolithic man marked cave walls to show that he owned the cave. These marks are the predecessor to today's trademarks. Inventors, authors, and others who develop ideas and inventions that have potential commercial value petitioned lawmakers over time to enact regulations that classified their ideas and inventions as assets. Those regulations are known as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. The differences among patents, copyrights, and trademarks can be confusing. A patent grants an inventor sole rights to a new idea, new method, or new process. A copyright grants authors, musicians, and artists the exclusive rights to publish and sell literary, musical, or artistic works. Copyrights cover artistic, dramatic, musical, literary, and other scholarly works—both published and unpublished. A trademark is a word, phrase, slogan, design, or symbol that is used to identify merchandise and is used to distinguish merchandise from competing products. Trademarks indicate the source of a product (i.e., brand names). A trademark was the first way a tradesman identified his goods and services. Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and the Chinese used these markings to identify the maker of a product so that a buyer would know the workmanship of the goods or services that he or she was buying. One of the first trademark laws was The Bakers Marking Law passed in England in 1266 under the reign of King Henry III. The Bakers Marking Law required bread makers to mark their work with either pinpricks or stamps. Nearly a century later in 1363, silversmiths were required to mark their products as well. Soon after, bottle makers and porcelain manufacturers were also obligated to mark their products. Nearly four centuries after The Bankers Marking Law was enacted, one of the first cases of a trademark infringement appeared before the courts in England. A trademark infringement is an action of another that violates the trademark of a trademark holder. In the 1618 case, a company that made a lower-quality cloth tried to pass their product off as their higher-quality competitor's in the marketplace through the use of their markings.


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