

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语论文怎么写啊]恩,英语论文格式及写作规范 语言和内容是评判一篇英语论文质量高低的重要依据;但是,写作格式规范与否亦是一个不可忽略的衡量标准。因此,规范英语论文的格式,使之与国际学术惯例...+阅读

Procedure The procedure or the methodology is the heart of the proposal because it must tell the reader how you propose to carry out your project. It must convince your advisor (or in industry your manager or potential client) that you clearly understand your task, have a logical time plan for solving your problems, and have identified all the resources you need. If your proposal is for an IQP, you must take special care to explain HOW you plan to relate some aspect of science or technology to society. Note that "technology" need not be defined narrowly here: "technology" can mean the techniques used to manage or evaluate any resource efficiently, not just "nuts and bolts" hardware. But you must explain clearly how your procedure insures that the WPI IQP degree requirement will be satisfied by completing a project which defines, investigates, and reports on a topic relating science or technology to a social need or issue. In short, why is your topic an IQP? Some of the other questions the reader will expect you to answer in this section are: 1. What are the tasks and sub-tasks identified to achieve your objectives? 2. What materials will you need to carry out your project: equipment? computer support? typing? graphics? others? 3. What data are needed for the project and how will they be collected? If the project requires a survey or interviews, the design of this instrument (especially the selection of participants) must be explained and justified. 4. What method or process will be used to analyze this data and where else (if anywhere) has this method or process been used? 5. What time frame do you think you will need to accomplish identified tasks or subtasks? Should schedules be presented in standard forms like PERT or Task Charts? (see Figures 1 and 2.) 6。

If you are working on a team, which teammates will accomplish which sections? 7. What costs do you anticipate the project will incur -- in other words, your budget? (A Budget Summary Request Form must be submitted to the Interdisciplinary Studies Division Office as shown in Appendix 1 for IQP Proposals. A Budget summary for an MQP Proposal should be submitted to the individual department.)


说来惭愧,5月份考中级的时候人家让写proposal我写成letter了,很郁闷,还好成绩没受影响。其实report和proposal区别不大,题目可以写成Proposal on **、Report on **。都可以分部分来写:introduction、Findings、Conclusion。也可以不分部分直接分几个段落写下来,但是分部分写一般得分要高些。唯一的区别就是,report是要展现事实就行,proposal除了展现事实还要提出建议。因此,除了以上三部分,proposal还需要加一部分,即recommendations。report只用三部分就可以。至于图表描述,要注意以下几点:趋势——上升还是下降或者波动、剧烈变化还是轻微变化,这是对整体的描述。 关键点——某一数值达到顶峰或者最低谷、某年数值与之前相比达到倍数、其他你觉得有特点有意思的变化。 原因——原因有时图表不会给出,但是你需要自己编出一两条,用来丰润干巴巴的数据描述,但是要合理不要过多。

不需要很详细,不能每个阶段每个数值都拿出来说,但是重要的、有戏剧性的、有重大意义的要说细点。 大概就是这样啦,呵呵。


论文提案是指为期半年至三年不等的详尽的论文研究计划。应详细清楚提出论文之1.问题 (你们平时读的英文知识论或英文伦理学教科书中的方式可以参考。在那里面,每一章一开始的时候,都在铺陈问题)。 2.重要参考文献之评述。 3.如何可能在限期前完成。必须提出具体步骤,学士论文必须提出在学期中两次缴交阅读笔记摘要的日期,硕士论文必须提出缴交每一章初稿或阅读笔记摘要之日期等。 4.专门术语之解说 (严禁在一知半解下用专门术语。理由?请参考上一节)。 5.价值 (大学部学士论文于此部分可以省略,硕士级以上不可以省略)。 6.大纲 (硕士级以上。学士级在最后将内容的结构清楚化、条理化即可)。 参考文献等。...


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