

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[flash论文的中文摘要翻译成英文摘要]In the modern teaching, the traditional teaching has already cannot satisfy the requirement of modern teaching, the teaching way and teachers etc are put forwar...+阅读

Discusses computer aided teaching shallowly the name: Liu Zhao Xuehao: 200540901114 supervising teachers: Bi Xuehui abstract: The computer aided teaching (Computer Assisted Instruction) takes one kind of modernized the teaching technology, receives everybody to like and to take seriously more and more. CAI is takes the computer the teaching media, provides a good learning environment for the student, causes the student through to carry on the study with computer's dialog one kind of new teaching form. As the teaching media, the computation function helps the teacher to improve the teaching effect, the expanded teaching scope, the extending teacher's education function, moreover, the computer has interactive, has functions and so on quick access and automatic reduction, it not can only present the teaching information, but can also receive the student to reply that the question and carries on the judgment, carries on the study instruction to the student. But in concrete classroom instruction, but also has the place which some are unsatisfactory, this article has analyzed the computer aided teaching advantages, elaborated computer aided teaching's superiority and the development direction, and proposed own some viewpoints to some questions.


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