

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请各位师兄师姐帮忙给点论文答辩中的意见论文是关于EVA的谢谢]EVA是英文Economic Value Added的缩写,一般译为附加经济价值。它是全面衡量企业生产经营真正盈利或创造价值的一个指标或一种方法。所谓"全面"和"真正"是指与传统会计核算的利润...+阅读



(乌鲁瓦提水利枢纽工程建设管理局 新疆和田 848000)

摘 要: 本文介绍了新疆乌鲁瓦提水利枢纽原有自动化系统的状况, 叙述了其中的计算机网络、闸门监控、大坝安全监测、水情测报、水电厂监控、图像视频监控、办公自动化等子系统的综合改造方案及异地远程控制的实施方法。在多功能、多领域范围的综合自动化改造中,运用遥测、遥信、遥调、遥控、遥视及计算机网络互联和安全隔离认证等多方面技术, 建立一个局域网和广域网相结合,数据共享集成的综合型业务网络。经实践检验,实现了改造后的综合自动化系统实用、 先进、安全、可靠。对类似水利枢纽综合自动化系统的实施和功能改造有一定的参考价值。

关 键 词: 水利枢纽工程;综合自动化改造;闸门监控;大坝安全监测;水情测报;水电厂监控;远程控制

On the transformation of the automation system of the Wuluwati Dam Project


(Wuluwati Dam Project administration Hotan 848000)

Abstract: This paper introduces the current situation of the automation system in Wuluwati Hydro project, which describes the computer network, gate control, dam safety monitoring, hydrological forecasting, hydropower plant monitoring, video surveillance images, office automation and other sub-comprehensive programs and system implementation methodology for remote control. In the restructuring of the multi-functional, the technology in the comprehensive automation system, which includes the use of telemetry, remote communication, remote adjustment, remote control, remote viewing and computer networking and security isolation audit, and many other technologies are introduced.The establishment of a combination of LAN and WAN, data sharing integration integrated business network has been proved to have achieved huge improvement in the transformation of the integrated automation system with utility, advancement, safety and reliability. The implementation and transformation expierence are valuable to the similar Hydro integrated automation system.

Keyword: Integrated Automation; hydro project gate monitoring; dam safety monitoring; hydrological forecasting; hydropower plant monitoring; remote control:


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