

02月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[国际贸易地理相关论文]试谈国际贸易专业经济地理课程改革 【摘 要】以XX高职院校为例,根据国际贸易专业经济地理课程的现状,分析存在的问题并提出相应措施。 【关键词】 经济地理 国际贸易 高职 措...+阅读

看看这个哦/加入世贸组织后中国对外贸易政策的变化》On trade power in 2004 the total value of China's imports and exports reached 1.1548 trillion U.S. dollars, rose to global ranking third after the United States and Germany ;2005 years ago three quarters of this figure more than one trillion U.S. dollars, is expected in 2005 as a whole, the scale over 1.3 trillion U.S. dollars. The status of China's foreign trade has been established, how to trade power? Zhoujiren : shirts-aircraft trade power logic. Zhoujiren in recent "Economic Observer newspaper," published an article on the "shirt-aircraft economics," implied power to trade power from the Chinese history and economics logic. Zhoujiren for all "made in China" products will be proud that these can obscure the production, not only lay the foundation for the future of China's industrial states, but now for the benefit of the largest number of human consumers and producers;...


经济类论文英文参考文献Lin G C S, Yi F. Urbanization of capital or capitalization on urban land? Land development and local public finance in urbanizing China[J]. Urban Geography, 201...

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