

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


EDC platform will be located in the engine room of enterprise information management subsystem. Group of the enterprise information system through data center to achieve centralized management simplified so that the operational subsystems of concern in their own application of the functions of the system, to the bottom of the network, storage, security infrastructure construction completed by the EDC, this group could make effective use of their resources, thus lowering the overall cost of ownership and increase the efficiency of enterprises and the core competitiveness. Corporation also for the staff and production, business management system to provide the basic communication platform LAN. It will serve as a basis for the support network and communications command, office automation, Comprehensive management of the day-to-day work of support, providing high performance, high stability, high redundancy and manageability. DCN in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and the Directorate General of Telecommunications Network Management Center for the network, which covers all provinces, municipalities, provinces and autonomous regions of the network management center, a total of 34 nodes trunk, forming a nationwide network. Through the provincial network management center to the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of the seven different professional network management network If long-distance telephone network, mobile communications network, broadband network and other business connected to the three core network make every province Network Management Center for the professional management of information sent to the Group of the network management center, so as to achieve network monitoring, management, and maintenance of decision-making information and automation.


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