

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com




"As living standards improve, people's housing needs from basic physiological needs gradually to meet the psychological and cultural fields to promote a higher level of residential living community is not only functional, but also people's thinking and emotional exchange. People are concerned about the internal living space, living space of the external environment is also more and more importance. For Habitat and the people of both poly-related issues of Landscape Architects should be attached great importance to green living community problem directly affects the quality of live. When we consider people's health, quality of life of the community when we are living the green ecological design, so that people and nature, more coordinated, more people with nature near. And in the design as much as possible to achieve clean air, beautify the environment, regulating the physical and psychological purposes. Residential community the basic concept of the landscape should be people-oriented, comfortable and pleasant for the tenants living environment. Therefore, in landscape design, it is necessary to consider the community's personality characteristics, but also from economic interests, social needs, such as the General balanced perspective in order to achieve the best results. "


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