

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语论文引言怎么写]写作总体要求: (1)说明论文的主题、范围和目的。 (2)说明本研究的起因、背景及相关领域简要历史回顾(前人做了哪些工作?哪些尚未解决?目前进展到何种程度?等)。 (3)预期结果或本研...+阅读

Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavioral Science The so-called organizational behavior research in the organization as well as interaction with the environment, people engaged in work activities in the psychological and behavioral responses of the law of science. From the management application to the definition of organizational behavior is a research organization Human psychological and behavior and its objective laws, improve the management forecasts to guide and control people's ability to act in order to achieve the goals of scientific organizations. Organizational behavior is a multi-disciplinary, multi-level cross-phase of the marginal subjects, but also has a dual nature and application of subjects.

(1) marginal performance for multi-disciplinary and cross-phase multi-level cross-cutting;

(2) for the performance of the dual nature of organizational behavior not only has the natural attributes and social attributes;

(3) applied for the performance of organizational behavior research Contact the organization directly aimed at managers of the actual work to improve its ability to improve organizational performance. Organizational behavior and make comprehensive use of the psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, physiology, biology, and economics, political science, and other subjects related to human behavior with the theory of knowledge, to study the organization must conduct rules.


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