

01月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[怎么将win8英文系统改成中文版]单语言版本的win8是不支持语音版本更改的。多语言版本的支持语言更改。 步骤: 1,进入Windows 8开始屏幕,将鼠标移动到屏幕底部点击右键,Win8开始屏幕底端出现功能区域,点击最右边...+阅读

Option ExplicitDim speed, right, wrong, keynum As Integer '定义速度,正确次数,错误次数,击键次数Private Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As LongPrivate Const SND_ASYNC = &H1Dim rtn As LongSub letterInit() '初始化每个字母 lbl_letter.Caption = Chr(Int(Rnd * 26) + 97) '随机产生字母,如果要产生大写字母只要把97改成65即可 speed = Int(Rnd * 100 + 200) lbl_letter.Left = Int(Rnd * (Form1.Width - lbl_letter.Width)) '随机产生字母出现的位置 lbl_letter.Top = lbl_score.HeightEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() letterInit lbl_score.Caption = "成绩: " & 0 & " 分" & " 错误: " & 0 & " 个" & " 正确率: " & 0 & "%" Timer1.Enabled = True '启动定时器 Timer2.Enabled = True Timer1.Interval = 100 Timer2.Interval = 1000 '隐藏命令按钮 Command1.Visible = False Command2.Visible = False lbl_time.Caption = 120 & " 秒"End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click() Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) keynum = keynum + 1 If Chr(KeyAscii) = lbl_letter.Caption Then '判断所按键位是否与产生的字母相符 letterInit rtn = sndPlaySound(App.Path & "\right.wav", SND_ASYNC) right = right + 1 Else rtn = sndPlaySound(App.Path & "\wrong.wav", SND_ASYNC) wrong = wrong + 1 End If lbl_score.Caption = "成绩: " & right & "分" & " 错误: " & wrong & " 个" & " 正确率: " & Int(right / keynum * 100) & "%" If KeyAscii = 27 Then Timer1.Enabled = False Timer2.Enabled = False lbl_score.BackColor = vbYellow lbl_score.Caption = "成绩: " & right & "分" & " 错误: " & wrong & " 个" & " 正确率: " & Int(right / keynum * 100) & "%" & " 按任意键继续" Else lbl_score.BackColor = vbGreen Timer1.Enabled = True Timer2.Enabled = True End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() Form1.Left = (Screen.Width - Form1.Width) / 2 Form1.Top = (Screen.Height - Form1.Height) / 2 Form1.BorderStyle = 1 Form1.BackColor = vbBlack Form1.Caption = "英文打字练习程序" Command1.Default = True Command1.Caption = "开始" Command2.Caption = "退出" '设置lbl_letter中显示的字符的字体、样式、字号,请同时调整lbl_letter的大小与字符大小相等 With lbl_letter.Font .Name = "宋体" .Size = 20 .Bold = True End With lbl_letter.ForeColor = vbYellow lbl_letter.BackColor = Form1.BackColor lbl_score.BackColor = vbGreen lbl_score.Alignment = 0 lbl_score.Caption = "敲回车键开始打字练习,按ESC键暂停" lbl_time.BackColor = lbl_score.BackColor lbl_time.Alignment = 2 lbl_time.Caption = "时间120秒" Timer1.Enabled = False Timer2.Enabled = False Randomize '初始化End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer() lbl_letter.Top = lbl_letter.Top + speed If lbl_letter.Top >= Form1.Height Then letterInit End If End Sub Private Sub Timer2_Timer() lbl_time.Caption = Val(lbl_time.Caption) - 1 & " 秒" If Val(lbl_time.Caption)


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