

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com



If it is a argumentative essay you are trying to write, i suggest you use a block organization, where you discuss all of your opponents' opinions, then in one (preferably) paragraph,rebut all of their opinions in a logical manner, and present your own opinions in another paragraph.

The structure should be like this:

Intro (present opinion)

Opponents' Opinions

Rebut to Opponents' Opinions (must be logical)

Your Own Opinions

Conclusion (reveiw your own opinion)

If an argumentative essay is not what you're looking for, then discuss 2-4 points about the advantages and the disadvantages of cars in modern society. if you are for cars, discuss their disadvantges first and make their advantages sound greater and make the disadvantage sound easy to overcome, vice versa if you are against cars in modern society.


Intro (present opinion, whether you are for or against cars)

Block 1 (Advantages or disadvantages)

Block 2 (Advatages or disadvantages again, but make this sound greater and more important)

Conclusion (reveiw opinion)




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