

01月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求C语言编写矩阵相乘程序]void matrix(int b[][X],int c[][Y]) { int i,j,k,temp; for(i=0;i<X;i++) for(j=0;j<Y;j++){ for(k=0;k<Y;k++) a[i][j]+=b[i][k]*c[k][j]; } } 例如(完整程序): #include <std...+阅读

/* Matrix_main.cpp */






/* #include */

void main(void)


int col, row, row_s; /* the column & row of the matrix */

int **pM_f = NULL, **pM_s = NULL; /* point to two matrix,they will be multiplied */

int **pM_r = NULL; /* the matrix will store the result */

int i, j, k;

printf("Input column & row of the first matrix:\n(depart with blank): ");

scanf("%d %d", &col, &row);

printf("Input row of the second one:\n(column needn't): ");

scanf("%d", &row_s);

/* ---------------Request storage for process--------------- */

pM_f = (int**)malloc(col * sizeof(int*));

pM_s = (int**)malloc(row * sizeof(int*));

pM_r = (int**)malloc(col * sizeof(int*));

for (i=0; i


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