

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[检测编辑框的密码是否正确易语言源码]看你这密码存在什么地方的,以什么方式存的,一般的是 密码+扰乱码+MD5 得到的,即不可逆; '普通验证 .版本 2 .如果 (编辑1.内容=密码 ) 信息框 (“正确”, 0, ) .否则 信息框 (“错误”...+阅读

//建议使用vc2005以上的编译器,加油!!~!#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; const int iAntCount=34;//蚂蚁数量 const int iCityCount=51;//城市数量 const int iItCount=2000;//最大跌代次数 const double Q=100; const double alpha=1; const double beta=5; const double rou=0.5; int besttour[iCityCount];//最有路径列表 double rnd(int low,double uper)//获得随机数 { double p=(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)*((uper)-(low))+(low); return (p); }; int rnd(int uper) { return (rand()%uper); }; class GInfo//tsp地图信息,包含了信息素,城市距离,和信息素变化矩阵 { public: double m_dDeltTrial[iCityCount][iCityCount]; double m_dTrial[iCityCount][iCityCount]; double distance[iCityCount][iCityCount]; }; GInfo Map; class ant { private: int ChooseNextCity();//选择城市 double prob[iCityCount]; int m_iCityCount; int AllowedCity[iCityCount];//没有走过的城市 public: void addcity(int city); int tabu[iCityCount]; void Clear(); void UpdateResult(); double m_dLength; double m_dShortest; void move(); ant(); void move2last(); }; void ant::move2last() { int i; for(i=0;i if (AllowedCity[i]==1) { addcity(i); break; } } void ant::Clear() { m_dLength=0; int i; for(i=0; i { prob[i]=0; AllowedCity[i]=1; i=tabu[iCityCount-1]; m_iCityCount=0; addcity(i); } } ant::ant() { m_dLength=m_dShortest=0; m_iCityCount=0; int i; for(i=0;i AllowedCity[i]=1; prob[i]=0; } } void ant::addcity(int city) { //add city to tabu; tabu[m_iCityCount]=city; m_iCityCount++; AllowedCity[city]=0; } int ant::ChooseNextCity() { //Update the probability of path selection //select a path from tabu[m_iCityCount-1] to next int i; int j=10000; double temp=0; int curCity=tabu[m_iCityCount-1]; for (i=0;i if((AllowedCity[i]==1)) { temp+=pow((1.0/Map.distance[curCity][i]),beta)*pow((Map.m_dTrial[curCity][i]),alpha); } } double sel=0; for (i=0;i if((AllowedCity[i]==1)) { prob[i]=pow((1.0/Map.distance[curCity][i]),(int)beta)*pow((Map.m_dTrial[curCity][i]),(int)alpha)/temp; sel+=prob[i]; } else prob[i]=0; } double mRate=rnd(0,sel); double mSelect=0; for ( i=0;i if((AllowedCity[i]==1)) mSelect+=prob[i] ; if (mSelect>=mRate) {j=i;break;} } if (j==10000) { temp=-1; for (i=0;i if((AllowedCity[i]==1)) if (temp) { temp=pow((1.0/Map.distance[curCity][i]),beta)*pow((double)(Map.m_dTrial[curCity][i]),alpha); j=i; } } } return j; } void ant::UpdateResult() { // Update the length of tour int i; for(i=0;i m_dLength+=Map.distance[tabu[i]][tabu[i+1]]; m_dLength+=Map.distance[tabu[iCityCount-1]][tabu[0]]; } void ant::move() { //the ant move to next town and add town ID to tabu. int j; j=ChooseNextCity(); addcity(j); } class project { public: void UpdateTrial(); double m_dLength; void initmap(); ant ants[iAntCount]; void GetAnt(); void StartSearch(); project(); }; void project::UpdateTrial() { //calculate the changes of trial information int i; int j; for(i=0;i for (j=0;j { Map.m_dDeltTrial[ants[i].tabu[j]][ants[i].tabu[j+1]]+=Q/ants[i].m_dLength ; Map.m_dDeltTrial[ants[i].tabu[j+1]][ants[i].tabu[j]]+=Q/ants[i].m_dLength; } Map.m_dDeltTrial[ants[i].tabu[iCityCount-1]][ants[i].tabu[0]]+=Q/ants[i].m_dLength; Map.m_dDeltTrial[ants[i].tabu[0]][ants[i].tabu[iCityCount-1]]+=Q/ants[i].m_dLength; } for (i=0;i for (j=0;j { Map.m_dTrial[i][j]=(rou*Map.m_dTrial[i][j]+Map.m_dDeltTrial[i][j] ); Map.m_dDeltTrial[i][j]=0; } } } void project::initmap() { int i; int j; for(i=0;i for (j=0;j { Map.m_dTrial[i][j]=1; Map.m_dDeltTrial[i][j]=0; } } project::project() { //initial map,read map infomation from file . et. initmap(); m_dLength=10e9; ifstream in("eil51.tsp"); struct city { int num; int x; int y; }cc[iCityCount]; for (int i=0;i { in>>cc[i].num>>cc[i].x>>cc[i].y; besttour[i]=0; } int j; for(int i=0;i for (j=0;j { { Map.distance[i][j]=sqrt(pow((double)(cc[i].x-cc[j].x),2)+pow((double)(cc[i].y-cc[j].y),2)); } } } void project::GetAnt() { //randomly put ant into map int i=0; int city; srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) +rand()); for (i=0;i { city=rnd(iCityCount); ants[i].addcity(city); } } void project::StartSearch() { //begin to find best solution int max=0;//every ant tours times int i; int j; double temp; int temptour[iCityCount]; while (max { for(j=0;j { for (i=0;i ants[j].move(); } for(j=0;j { ants[j].move2last(); ants[j].UpdateResult (); } //find out the best solution of the step and put it into temp int t; temp=ants[0].m_dLength; for (t=0;t temptour[t]=ants[0].tabu[t]; for(j=0;j { if (temp>ants[j].m_dLength) { temp=ants[j].m_dLength; for ( t=0;t temptour[t]=ants[j].tabu[t]; } } if(temp m_dLength=temp; for ( t=0;t besttour[t]=temptour[t]; } printf("%d : %f\n",max,m_dLength); UpdateTrial(); for(j=0;j ants[j].Clear(); max++; } printf("The shortest toure is : %f\n",m_dLength); for ( int t=0;t printf(" %d ",besttour[t]); } int main() { project TSP; TSP.GetAnt()...


c语言实现二叉树的先序中序后序的递归和非递归算法和层次遍历#include// malloc()等 #include// 标准输入输出头文件,包括EOF(=^Z或F6),NULL等 #include// atoi(),exit() #include// 数学函数头文件,包括floor(),ceil(),abs()等#define Cle...


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