
求一篇英语童话故事短一点在2 3分钟之内

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求一篇歌舞青春的英语观后感]歌舞青春观后感 I watched the film called High School Musical.After watching it, I felt very happy and it touched me very much.It is an American film.It tells Am...+阅读

逃家小兔 The runaway bunny ——一只小兔兔要逃离妈妈,但无论它变成什么,都逃不出妈妈的关爱 从前有一只小兔子,他很要离家出走。有一天,他对妈妈说“我要逃走了” “如果你要逃走了,”妈妈说,“我就要去追你,因为你是我的小宝贝呀” Once there was a little bunny who wanted to run away.so he said to his mother,'I am running away.' 'If you run away',said his mother,'I will run after you,for you are my little bunny' '如果你来追我,'小兔说‘我就要变成溪里的小鳟鱼,游的远远的。

‘如果你变成溪里的小鳟鱼,’‘我就要变成捕鱼的人去抓你’ 'if you run after me,'said the little bunny,'I will become a fish in a trout stream and I will swim away from you' 'if you become a fish in a trout stream,'said his mother,'I will become a fishman and I will fish for you.' '如果你变成捕鱼的人',小兔说‘我就要变成高山上的大石头,让你抓不到我’ ‘如果你变成高山上的大石头’,妈妈说‘我就要变成爬山的人,爬到高山上去找你 'if you become a fishman,'said the little bunny,'I will become a rock on the mountain,high above you' 'If you become a rock on the mountain high above me,'said the mother,'I will become a mountain climber ,and I will climb to where you are.' '如果你变成爬山的人,小兔说‘我就要变成小花,躲在花园里’ ‘如果你变成小花,’妈妈说,‘我就要变成园丁,我还是会找到你’ If you become a mountain climber,'the little bunny said,'I will become a crocus in a hidden garden,' If you become a crocus in a hidden garden,'said his mother,'I will be a gardener,and I will find you' '如果你变成园丁,找到我了',小兔说,‘我就要变成小鸟,飞的远远的’ ‘如果你变成小鸟,飞的远远的,’,妈妈说,‘我会变成树,好让你回家’ If you become a gardener and find me,'said the little bunny.i will become a bird and fly away far from you If you become a bird and fly away far from you,'said his mother'I will become a tree that you come to.' '如果你变成树,',小兔说‘我就要变成小帆船,飘的远远的’ ‘如果你变成小帆船,妈妈说,'我就要变成风,把你吹到想去得地方。

If you become a tree ,'said the little bunny,I will become a little sailboat,and I will sail away from you,' If you become a sailboat,'said his mother'I will become the wind and blow you where I want you to go. '如果你便成风,把我吹走,'小兔说,‘我就要变成马戏团里的空中飞人,飞得高高的 ‘如果你便成空中飞人,’妈妈说,我就要变成走钢索的人,走到半空中遇到你‘ 'if you become the wind and blow me,'said the little bunny''I will join a circus and fly away on a flying trapeze, If you go flying on a flying trapeze,'said his mother''I will be a tightrope walker,and I will walk across the air to you, '如果你变成走钢索的人,走在半空中,小兔说‘我就要变成小男孩跑回家’ 如果你变成小男孩跑回家,妈妈说‘我正好就是你的妈妈,我会张开手臂好好的抱住你 'if you become a tightrope walker and walk across the air ,'said the little bunny' I will become a little boy and run into a house' 'If you become a little boy and run into a house,'said the mother ,I will become your mother and catch you in my arms and hug you “天啊,”,小兔说,“我不如就待在这里,,当你的小宝贝吧” “来跟胡萝卜把”,妈妈说 'shucks,',said the bunny,' I will just as well stay where I am and be your little bunny.and so he said. 'have a carrot,'said his mother.


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