

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[狼图腾的读后感]狼的团结,狼的勇敢,并且把狼与人对比开来,在神圣的狼面前,人是多么的愚昧,正如无知的羊把菜根吃尽,自寻死路。 这本纪实体的长篇小说中,那些蒙古草原狼随时随地从书中呼啸而出,狼的...+阅读

"Wolf Totem" Book

Summer vacation I read "Wolf Totem" This novel, after I read that I benefit.

In "Wolf Totem", the first so I'm interested in the characters and the vivid description of wolves. Protagonist, Chen Zhen is the embodiment of the author, 30 years ago, as a Beijing youth, voluntary amount to the border of Inner Mongolia grassland Lun jump the queue, as long as 11 years. In the prairie, he drilled holes wolf, dig over pups, or raise coyotes, and wolves fought, but also with lingering over the wolf. Wolf-themed story, written at the time of the environment, has launched a coherent by the dozens, "the wolf story." But the whole book attracted me the most, or the author's depiction of thinking about the wolf. Wolf caught Huangyangchuan a trick. During the day, a wolf eyeing a Gazelle, to not touch it. One dark, Gazelle will find a place to leeward lying under the thick grass to sleep. Moment the wolf not catch it, Gazelle body to sleep, it's nose ears can not sleep, a little movement, Gazelle jumped up and ran, the wolf to catch up. Night wolf is not hands-on, lying dead in the near such a place, such as night, until dawn, Gazelle hold a nocturia, urinary hold up, the wolf found the opportunity to rush to go after, Gazelle run up and not spread urine, run as far tangutica hind leg cramp on a bumpy, it could run.

In my opinion, we humans should be a good wolf and the sheep of the combination was able, under the conditions of the limited capacity of full play to their level. So we do things, whether man or be sure to remember the same can not be trampled upon like sheep, like wolves, not greedy, we must learn to calm and stable character, like sheep, have to learn to fight the wolf as a positive, united and cooperative behavior. Will be both good together in order to succeed.


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