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[谁有公立幼儿园的面试说课稿啊急用啊]幼儿园说课稿—好听的歌 ) t5 a3 P6 m/ I$ P一、说教材 : } j7 B6 y% [& R 1、教材的选择:大家都知道,具体形象思维是幼儿思维的典型方式。而且随着年龄的发展,小小班幼儿的思维...+阅读

5B Unit4 An English friend--Part A 执教:孔红福

一、教学内容 《牛津小学英语》5B Unit4 Part A--Read and say(第三课时)

二、教学目标及要求 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词an e-mail, busy, town, well。 2.能听得懂、会说、会读单词usually和短语surf the Internet。 3.能听得懂、会说、会读句型What does he/she usually do …?He/She usually…。 4.通过发送电子邮件的情景介绍朋友,让学生学会如何用英语询问或了解别人朋友的信息,从中激发学生想说、爱说英语的热情,提高学生实际运用英语的能力。

三、教学重点、难点 1.三会、四会单词和句型的初步掌握和运用。 2.学会如何用英语了解别人朋友的信息。

四、教学准备 多媒体课件、单词和句型卡片、明星的个人信息等。

五、教学过程 Step1. Organization. 1. Free talk. What day is it today? What subject do you like? Do you do your homework after school? Do you do housework every day? Who's your good friend? Does he/she …? 2. Say a rhyme--A busy day. Step2. Presentation 1.T: Look, Helen has a busy day. Yes? Ss: Yes. Teach: busy 2.T: Boys and girls, are you busy in the evening? Ss: Yes, I am./ No, I'm not. T: Do you usually watch TV in the evening? Ss: No, I don't. T: What do you usually do in the evening? T&S1,2,3: I usually… Teach: usually T: What do you usually do on Sundays? T&S1,2,3: I usually… 3.T: What do I usually do on Sundays? Can you guess? S1,2,3:You usually… T: Sorry, you're wrong. I usually surf the Internet on Sundays. Teach: surf the Internet T: I usually surf the Internet on Sundays. How about Mike? What does he usually do on Sunday? T&S: He usually…(出示Mike, Nancy的图片) Teach: What does he/she usually do on Sundays? He/She usually… Step3 Presentation and practice 1.Here are some super stars. Do you know them? Let's look at the first one. A: Who's he? B: He's Yao Ming. A: What does he usually do on Sundays/ on Mondays…? B: He usually plays basketball. A: Does he play well? B: Yes, he does. Teach: well (同例,利用周杰伦、刘翔和杨丽萍来操练新句型) 2.T: Boys and girls, the next one is my favourite. He is a student. He is an actor, too. He plays well. He lives in a small town near Beijing. Who's he? Do you know? Ss: He's Zhang Yishan . T: Yes. He's from a small town near Beijing. Teach: town T: I like Zhang Yishan very much. I want to be his friend. Do you want to be his friend? Ss: Yes, I do. T: Now, let's get to know him. OK? Ss: OK! T: Now listen to a passage first. His name is Zhang Yishan. He's 16 years old. He's from a small town near Beijing. He is a student of NO.3 Middle School in Beijing. He is an actor, too. He plays well. He likes playing football. He plays football well, too. He often plays football with his classmates after school. He studies Chinese, English, Maths, PE and some other subjects. His e-mail address is Zhang Yishansohu.com. T: According to the following questions, and then talk about Zhang Yishan in pairs. Q1: How old is he? Q2: What does he like doing? Q3: Does he live in Beijing? Where does he live? Q4: What subjects does he study at school? Q5: What does he usually do after school ? Does he play well? T: Now we know a lot about Zhang Yishan. If you want to be his friend, we can write an e-mail to him. Here's Zhang Yishan's e-mail address. It's Zhang Yishansohu.com Teach: an e-mail T: According to the following questions, and then talk about Zhang Yishan in pairs. Q1: How old is he? Q2: What does he like doing? Q3: Does he live in Beijing? Where does he live? Q4: What subjects does he study at school? Q5: What does he usually do after school ? Does he play well? T: Now we know a lot about Zhang Yishan. If you want to be his friend, we can write an e-mail to him. Here's Zhang Yishan's e-mail address. It's Zhang Yishansohu.com Teach: an e-mail Step4.Learn the dialogues. 1. T: Wang Bing is writing an e-mail to his English friend. Listen to the dialogue then answer the following questions. 听第一遍。 Q1: Where's Wang Bing? What is he doing? Q2: Who's Wang Bing's friend? Q3: Does he live in London? 听第二遍. Q4: What does he usually do on Sundays? Q5: What subjects does Tom study at school? Q6: Does Tom swim well? 2. Read the dialogues. Read after the tape. Read the dialogues by themselves. Read in pairs. 3. Finish the exercise. Step5. Consolidation. T: I know all of you have friends. Do you want to know something about your classmate's friend? Ss: Yes, I do. T: So let's do a survey, then finish your classmate's information card. Look, these questions will help you. Q1: Who's your good friend? Q2: How old is he/she? Q3: What are his/her...


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