
帮忙写一生日邀请函 100分

03月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[结婚邀请函怎么写]结婚请柬书写格式封面写明“请柬”二字,帖文首行顶格书写被邀请者的姓名或被邀请单位的名称。然后正文写参加活动的内容,结尾,时间等。 结婚请柬具体书写方法如下: 1、双柬帖封...+阅读

Dear ***, This Sunday is my 19th birthday. I will hold a birthday party at that time. I would like to invite you to my birthday party. Would you like to accept my invitation? If your answer is yes, I will pick you up at the railway station at nine o'clock in the morning this Sunday. Look forward to your reply. ***



Dear ***,

Next Friday, September the fifth, is ### birthday. I thought it would be pleasant to have some of his friends here to help him celebrate. Will you come? We'll have dancing from nine until midnight, and then cut the birthday cake!

Both ### and I are very eager to have you here, so don't disappoint us!

Affectionately yours,








To xxx, This coming Saturday, 11th October will be my 15th birthday. My family will be organising a party for you and you are cordially invited to the party. The party will be held in the city hall at 7.00pm. you can either take a 700 or 701 bus to get there. Kindly inform me before Friday if you are unable to attend my party. Looking forward to see then. yours sincerely, Jim


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节日邀请函公文邀请函 尊敬的XXX先生/女士 十年铸就辉煌、开创百年未来!成立于XX年的XX公司,至今走过了X年的路程,历经风雨磨砺,迎来她的今岁华诞。回顾过去,展望将来,团结诞生兴旺,挑战诞生机遇,...

邀请函怎么写范文.标题 标题是由文种名或活动名称和文种名组成,还可包括个性化的活动主题标语。例如“阿里巴巴年终客户答谢会邀请函”。 2.称谓 邀请函的称谓使用“统称”,并在统称前加敬语。...

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