

03月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[国庆60周年朗诵诗歌100字左右]人类的史书上有我的祖国, 写满了苦难、坎坷、艰辛的跋涉, 多少汗和泪、多少血与火, 多少军阀的割据、多少列强的分割, 终于有了五颗金星缀上红旗的时刻! 旋转的地球上有我的祖国,...+阅读

People are interested in collecting something they like. It's interesting for me to collect stamps. On my 6th birthday, my parents give me some stamps as the birthday gift. At that time, I was attracted by the beautiful picture on it and decided to start collecting stamps. I have been collecting stamps since 8 years ago. Now, collecting stamps become a part of my life. I usually appreciate them when I was free. And I am the first person at school to have 1000 stamps. On the other hand, I want to start a stamp collectors' club so that all of the collectors who have the same hobby as me can share the valuable stamps together. In a word, I benefit a lot from collecting stamps. It not only makes my free time colorful but also enables me to know more different culture.





英 ['pɪktʃə] 美 ['pɪktʃɚ]

n. 照片,图画;影片;景色;化身vt. 画;想像;描写


1、Talking Picture 会说话的图画 ; 有声电影 ; 会措辞的丹青

2、Reference Picture 参考图片 ; [科技] 参照图 ; 参考画面 ; 参考图像

3、picture show 画展 ; 图片展示 ; 图片展现 ; 电影

4、picture gallery 照片廊 ; 图像画廊 ; 美术馆 ; 画廊


1、The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other.


2、The golfer is pictured on many of the front pages, kissing his trophy as he holds it aloft.



近义词有photo , scenery , drawing , landscape , prospect。


英 ['fəʊtəʊ] 美 ['foto]

n. 照片

1、He snatched away the photo.


2、If the camera is not brought into focus, the photo will be blurred.

如果照相机焦点不对准, 照片就会模糊。


英 ['drɔː(r)ɪŋ] 美 ['drɔɪŋ]

n. 图画;牵引;素描术v. 绘画;吸引(draw的ing形式);拖曳

1、Hours passed and the evening is drawing in.


2、The children learn singing, dancing, drawing, and the like in the kindergarten.



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