

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[一年级英语看图写话图片拔萝卜]Unit Five: Pull up the Turnip 第五课:拔萝卜 "Red Riding Hood, let’s pull up the turnip,” says Grandma. “小红帽,我们来拔萝卜,”奶奶说。 "Little pig, let&rsq...+阅读

1 this is a tiger, the king of animals. it is very strong, right? it lives in Asia 、Africa and America. it is usually lazy in the day time, for it almost sleeps all the time. it will never go hunting until it is really hungry. there used to be a lot of tigers in the world,but now it is a kind of animals in danger. take care of the rare animals, take care of our plant! 2 this a picture of Big Ben. it looks just the same as other clocks in the world. but in fact, things are not so simple. it was built in London hundreds of years ago, and now it is still standing there. it is an tourist attraction in the UK, and also a simble of the long history of the United Kingdom, just as the king of Bratain. 3 moutains and rivers seems everywhere in the world, but every mountain and every river has its own beauty, so every year, numbers of people come to different places to see different mountains and rivers. mountains and rivers in the picture are totally different from the real ones. you don't have to see them when you w耽籂槽饺噩祭茶熄偿陇ant, all you need is to sit on the sofa,open them and enjoy yourself! 供参考。


一年级英语看图写话图片坐在上面Unit Ten: Sit On 第十课:坐在上面 "Squeak, squeak! I sit on some cheese.” “吱,吱!我坐在乳酪上面。” “The cheese is mine," said the mouse. “乳酪是我的,”老鼠说。...

一年级英语看图写话图片为什么Unit Eight: Why? 第八课:为什么? Why can birds fly high? 为什么鸟可以飞得那么高? Because they have wings. 因为它们有翅膀。 Why is the pig so fat? 为什么猪这么胖? Bec...

一年级英语看图写话图片聪明的鸟Unit Eight: The Smart Bird 第八课:聪明的鸟 One day a caterpillar found a leaf. "I would like to eat it for my breakfast," said the caterpillar. 有一天一直毛毛虫...

一年级英语看图写话图片长大……Unit Two: Grow Into 第二课:长大…… What will this small seed grow into? 这颗小种子长大会变成什么? It will grow into a big tree. 它会长成一棵大树。 Wh...

一年级英语看图写话图片去购物Unit Six: Go Shopping 第六课:去购物 "Which one do you like?” asked Mom," The apple or the banana?" “你喜欢哪一个,”妈妈问,“苹果还是香蕉?” "I like both of them,"...


全民成语大闯关的看图说成语的图怎么画信笔涂鸦 xìn bǐ tú yā 【解释】信:听凭,随意;信笔:随意书写;涂鸦:比喻字写得很拙劣,随便乱涂乱画。形容字写得很潦草。也常用作自谦之词。 【出处】唐·卢仝《示添丁》诗:“不...


我需要一个中秋节海报图片版面以图画为主我准备在上面写一个英文mid autumn festival is a popular and traditional festival of china. during the festival people eat moon cakes and gather with friends and families. moon cake wa...
