

12月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于冬天的英语小报]There are four seasons in a year.Which is my favourite one?Of course winter!Why?Let me tell you. Winter is the season of festivals.The New Year's Day,Christmas...+阅读

It's Saturday today,and it's tree planting Day.We had no classes.I got up early.My father took me to the bank of river.Myfather carried some young trees,and Itookthe bucket.Wewent thereto plant trees.youknow,it'sspring now,and it's agood time to plant trees.My father dug a hole and put a tree into it, then he put the earth into the hole.I water it carefully.we did the samething again. I was hungry ang tired,but I felt happy. 多给些分吧,打的我手都软了


关于English winter vacation的英语手抄报的版面设计要有三篇文掌抱歉,只能提供一篇,绝对原创。 The winter holiday is coming.Today,the students union advocate organising some volunteer activities.For instance,cleanning the street...

英语我最喜欢的季节的手抄报最好是原创(春天)My favorite season is spring. Spring is beautiful and green. In spring, the air is fresh, the sky is blue, the clouds are white. I often wear a red sweater...

关于天气的英语手抄报Weather Weather changes with seasons--cold with snow in winter, hot with rain in summer and mild with sunlight in and autumn.I like the weather with sunshine be...


植树造林范文900字植树造林绿化环境 同学们,今天是3月12号,是我国的植树节。为保护环境,美化我们的校园,提高同学们爱护花草树木的意识,今天我给同学们讲一下植树造林的意义。植树造林可为人类提供...


参加有意义的活动植树节可以怎么写一个作文参加有意义的植树活动 今天,晴空万里,灿烂的阳光照耀着大地。我和爸爸一起去参加聊城晚报的小记者活动——植树。 到了目的地,我就领了一棵小树苗。看着绿油油的小树苗,我拿着铲...


植树节的小文章绿色行动 3月12日,大家知道这天是什么节日吗?对了,是我国的植树节。 老师说:“植树造林为我们的生活提供了许多用品。植树造林不但提供氧气,净化空气,美化环境,有利于生态环境的保...
