

04月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于情人节的英语短文]1, Valentine's Day is named for Saint Valentine, an early Christian churchman who reportedly helped young lovers. 2. Valentine was executed for his Christian be...+阅读

the spring festival is also called chinese new yearit is my favorite chinese festival. this festival is always in february, so i have enough time to celebrate this festival. i will visit my relatives and play with my cousins. on this day, people always bless each other. if i say “congratulation” or “be healthy” to the elders, they will give me red packets. at noon, my parents and grandparents usually make spring rolls to eat. in the evening, all my relatives have a special dinner together. always at 8 o' clock, almost every family watch the festival get-together. at that time, people usually set off firecrackers. it is interesting. at twelve o'clock, chinese people like to hear the new year jow. i am always happy at the spring festival, and a lot of people think what a fine day it is!


Suppose you are the monitor of classe 10 grade 1 in senior middle school,in your class start a debate on the network, the following are views of two parties in the debate:

positive side: 1, provide a convenient:We can do shopping, do entertainment and search various informations on online ; 2, When global travel, we do not need to worry about the weather, travel fatigue and other problems, we can visit the beauty spots around the world, and go to well-known universities.

Anti-side: Can make people lazy; make the relationship between people become rusty; online shopping dangerous of shopping online; cyber crime and so on.

有关元旦的英语作文 20句以下

January 1st is considered as the New Year's Day,It is one of important days for many people in the word during the year.Celebrations are held in many places.Most people are very happy to share the New Year's Day with family or friends.they will plan to play in the park or other place.they will visit friends whom they have not seen for some time.for me,it's a wonderful day!I will plan to travel, I like to go where I haven't been to, I enjoy myself during the New Year's Day.


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