

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[描写中秋节的好文章]农历八月十五,是人人皆知的中秋节。大街上,小巷里,都洋溢着欢声的笑语,充满着喜气洋洋。 这是一个美好的夜晚,红红的灯笼,使大街小巷充满着光明。在一条条宽阔的马路上,汽车川流不...+阅读

A Special Autumn Festival

The first autumn festival after entering university is so special that i felt the strong love----only from a stranger.

the university life is a new stage in our life.you have to be alone to be in study in far diatance far away from home.unavoidably when the autumn festival indicating all the family will get together is coming,we----far away from home will get more longly,and facing this fact,we have no choice and the only choice is we accept it and adapt it.

that night,i sat on a green grass looking the blushing but incredibly cold moon.thinking the happy days when i stayed at home with family i cryed.the tears could not help filling my eyes.but later a boy came,hugged me giving me warm,took care of me,amused me.

all he did is only because he is also a student far away from home,also a student missing home very much,also a student neeing a people acompany him to share the happiness of the festival.

perhaps you don't believe it and don't believe the pure love from a pure stranger.but all i want to tell you is this is true.

in fact,we should remember :if we sincerely trust each other in spit of the modern society,we can find much true love.



关于中秋节的文章时间似流水,转眼,迎来了一年一度的八月十五——中秋节。 夜幕降临,天空中显得有些阴天,没有几颗星星的陪伴,明月如镜,满月如盘。 这样的节日,少不了去好地方玩。爸爸骑着摩托车,三口...

描写中秋节的美文提供二篇参考一下: 中秋节到了,桂花又开了。 在姥爷住的院子里,有一片比我年龄还要大的桂花林,妈妈常带我去闻那桂花的香味。她说世上最朴实又最典雅的花就是桂花了。它小小的花...

描写中秋节的作文秋月赋 年年中秋,岁岁中秋,今日又逢中秋。人生易老,中秋不完,赤子之心念家园,游子之心看圆月。 月到中秋分外明。一年一度的中秋节又到了,家家吃饼赏月,喜看中秋圆月。我陷入了沉思...

描写中秋节的词句月到中秋分外明:指中秋节的月亮特别圆又亮. 月白风清:月光皎洁,清风轻轻吹来. 摇曳生姿:因飘汤而产生优美的姿态.(这句.........) 银光闪闪:指月光照耀而产生的反射. 皎月当空:一轮...

中秋节的文章中秋节的文章一.中秋节的文章 《中秋节的感想》 年年中秋,岁岁中秋,今日又逢中秋。人生易老,中秋不完,赤子之心念家园,游子之心看圆月。 月到中秋分外明。一年一度的中秋节又到了,家家吃饼赏月...

描写中秋节的文章Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional festival in China. Almost everyone likes to eat mooncakes on that day. Most families have a dinner together to celebrate the fes...

有关中秋节的文章中秋由来 [编辑本段] “中秋”一词,最早见于《周礼》。根据我国古代历法,农历八月十五日,在一年秋季的八月中旬,故称“中秋”。一年有四季,每季又分孟、仲、季三部分,三秋中第二月...

