

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[手抄报向你推荐一本好书]好书推荐手抄报内容 一、《格林童话》简介: 《格林童话》产生于十九世纪初,是由德国著名语言学家,雅可布 格林和威廉 格林兄弟收集、整理、加工完成的德国民间文学。它是世界童...+阅读

The Way To Keep Healthy Health has become a very important part of our life,and there are many ways to keep heathy.

First,you can eat more fruit and vegetables,and you'd better drink more warn water.Next,you have to do lots of exercise.And having at least 8 hours'sleep a night.Remember,don't drink coffe or tea before you go to bed,don't eat too much sugar and don't work or study too late,it will make you too tired.

If you care about yourself, it's easy to have a healthy lifestyle.

to be a good pupil

In school no matter we go ,we can see anyone wastes the seriously.Such as paper ,bottle,food,water and so on.If you go to the wc use the water clear your hand,don't close the tap;leave the classroom never turn down the lights;wherever throw the papers.If we get into this trouble.What we should do and should not do.For example we leave the classrom we should turn down the light and some electrial equipments,go to the wc use the water clear my hand,please close the tap.So now we should save water and electric make good use .let's do it from now on ,what are you waiting for.


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