

01月29日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我们学校要我们办主题为中国梦我的梦的手抄报请各位大师]《上海世博会中国馆》 当浦江的浪花摇落满天繁星 点亮我身后中国馆敞开的门窗 我在流光溢彩的世博园里 为你迎来新学年第一课的开讲 今年的主题与往年不一样 曾经遥远的世界...+阅读

Tobacco smoke contains at least three kinds of dangerous chemicals: the tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide, tar is made up of several kinds of material blending material, will be concentrated into a viscous material in the lungs. Nicotine is a drug can make people addiction, absorbed by the lungs, mainly ACTS on the nervous system. Carbon monoxide can reduce red blood cells carry oxygen around the body to ability.A 15 to 20 cigarettes a day, the susceptibility to lung cancer, cancer of the mouth or throat cancer death risk, than the people do not smoke 14 times; Its susceptibility to esophageal cancer death machine spinning 4 times than nonsmokers, National People's Congress; Died in the big two times the risk of bladder cancer; The risk of dying from heart disease is twice as big. Smoking is the leading cause of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and ?烟草的烟雾中至少含有三种危险的化学物质:焦油,尼古丁和一氧化碳,焦油是由好几种物质混合成的物质,在肺中会浓缩成一种粘性物质。

尼古丁是一种会使人成瘾的药物,由肺部吸收,主要是对神经系统发生作用。一氧化碳能减低红血球将氧输送到全身去能力。 一个每天吸15到20支香烟的人,其易患肺癌,口腔癌或喉癌致死的机率,要比不吸烟的人大14倍;其易患食道癌致死的机纺比不吸烟的人大4倍;死于膀胱癌的机率要大两倍;死于心脏病的机率也要大两倍。吸香烟是导致慢性支气管炎和肺气肿的主要原因,而慢性肺部疾病本身,也增加了得肺炎及心脏病的危险,并且吸烟也增加了高血压的危险。


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