

01月26日 编辑 39baobao.com


There is a popular saying, “you are what you eat,” and although there may be some truth is that, in the United States a more appropriate saying is “you are what you do.” In that country an individual is often judged by what he or she does for a living. And the more they do it, the better! At social and professional gatherings it is not unusual for a guest to find him- or herself in the midst of many strangers, and people are expected to introduce themselves ad to strike up conversations. The “how do you do?” is often followed by “what do you do?” In the United States people try to prove their worth as human beings through their achievements. A person's job provides self-identification more than his or her family name or background. They encourage and stand in awe of the self-made person who has gone from rags to riches, the person who has “made it.” Not on the basis of family name but by his or her own efforts. In the United States there is a belief that people are rewarded for working, producing and achieving. Many people believe that there is equality of opportunity that slows anyone to become successful. There are some people who do successes in raising their economic and social levels. “Upward(occupational)mobility” or “climbing the ladder” are terms that refer to one's advancement in work. Many employees have a succession of jobs that constitute a career. Some business, organizations, government agencies, and firms provide employees with opportunities to progress to higher positions. Promotions and increased responsibility generally bring higher salaries. Rewards for achievement in work are personal as well as financial. There is increased satisfaction when employees have the opportunity to develop creative and intellectual skills. Gaining recognition from fellow workers, supervisors, and managers gives one a sense of importance and identity in society. These values help produce many workaholics—people who are addicted to their work—but this is not say that Americans don't enjoy their leisure time. They do, but they usually keep leisure separate from work. Most of them like to work hard and play hard. Such an achievement-oriented society is bound to produce plenty of competition, because it is only by competing with others for the slice of the pie that people win success. The negative effects of a competitive society can be seen in their often strained interpersonal relations. These arise because in any competitive situation, someone has to lose. For every American who fits this mold, you can find one who doesn't. Not all Americans fit into the mainstream; some remain outside by choice and others because of circumstance beyond their control. For every person who does like to work, you can find one who doesn't. Each type contributes to the diversity of American culture. In some nations it is considered disloyal to quit a job; deep reciprocal loyalties exist between employee and employer. Lifelong job security and family honor are frequently involved. This is not true in the United States. “Job hopping” is part of the constant mobility. Americans consider it a “right” to be able to better themselves, to move upward, to jump from company to company if they can keep qualifying for most responsible(and therefore better) jobs.The employer may be quite content too. Perhaps he has had the best of that man's thinking; a new person may bring in fresh ideals, improved skills, or new abilities. Then, too, a newcomer will probably start at a low salary for he will have no seniority. Hopping is so readily accepted, in fact, that a good man may bounce back and forth among two or three corporations, being welcomed back to his original company more than once through his career, each time at different level.


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