

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[书信类英语作文常用句型怎么写]表原因的句型: e5a48de588b632313133353236313431303231363533313333613263331 The reason why.is that. 2 One may think of the change as a result of. 3 This brings out...+阅读

1. 句式

Because +原因状语从句; for the reason that...;The reason is that...(原因是...);there are about...; ...and so...;being that;since; as; for; in that...; hence;so that...; so; the reason seems to be obvious...;

2. 连词,后面加逗号和表示原因的句子即可

(1)短语:As a result, ...(结果...)= as a consequence;for this reason; ;原因+,as a result of this,+句子; in consequence;under these conditions;inevitably;thereupon

(2)副词:therefore; consequently; thus;accordingly;;

3. 短语+表示原因的名词:

because of this;another important factor/reason of...; owing to; due to; in view of……


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