
职高英语作文Something about English class主题的

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[五年级英语作文Something about Myself]My name is Liu Wen. I'm twelve-year-old girl. I he two big bright eyes and short black hair. Now I'm studying in grade Six of Houxiaohe Primary School. As I'm t...+阅读

I am a sophomore now.In my memeries,my college English courses were not pretty good.I don't think the way we tought was suited for me.So ,my English level was far from perfect and even lower than the standards I had during my high shcool. There were many factors caused this situation.In one hand, my teacher didn' t explain much details about the language points of the lessons self.Instead, they tended to say more about the information of the context and the background.On the other hand ,as our college english class were very large ,there were no chances for everybody being noticed by the teacher.So, we must acquire a knowledge of language relay on self-study. In fact, we learned the courses by myself more than from the class. But it's not equal to say that class teaching was no use for us. Only to combaine the class teaching and the self teaching we can study well in English learning.


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