
谁送我一篇 My English Learning的英语作文啊要初四的程度明天交

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[给我一篇牡丹花作文]牡丹花开 牡丹花沐浴着如酥的天街小雨,在暖还寒地早春二月,来到我家,使本来“草色遥看近却无”的早春,变得生机勃勃。 牡丹花种在一个黑不溜秋的盆子里,但是它却和荷花一样,有着“...+阅读

My English Study

English is my favorite subject and I once won a second prize in Sichuan English Reading Comprehension Competition for Middle School Students. Now I'm good at English and one of the best students at English in our senior grade one . [Now I think I can use English better and I am one of the students in the class who do best in English examinations. ] . How did I learn English?

First, I read a lot of English, beginning from junior time [the time when I was a junior middle school student ]. I read many English stories and jokes. I didn't get bored because the stories and jokes were interesting. Thus I have got to be more and more interested in English and learned a lot of the language through reading widely.

Second, I have kept a diary in English. I just write down what I do, what I see and what I think of every day. I try my best to express myself in the most simple words. In this way Ihave improved my writing ability a lot. On the other hand, this diary writing has also helped me to form the habit to think in English.

The above are my two ways of English study. Would you please try them if you're interested?


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