
英语作文如何种树 !

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[父爱如树母爱如花高中作文1000字]父爱如树 母爱如花 周五开了第一场的讲座《做智慧父母》,这是场意义非凡的讲座,没有忐忑,没有紧张,没有慌乱,在与想象完全不同的场内,幸福、满足、愉悦地分享了我的第一次,也许有些...+阅读

Spring is warm, it's the best time to plant trees. Below is an instruction to follow:

Choose at least a five to six-foot tree grown to nursery standards.

Select a site with enough room for roots and branches to reach full size. Avoid overhead and underground utilities.

Prepare a planting area as deep as the root ball and three to five times its diameter by loosening the soil. Dig a hole in the middle of the area. In heavy clay soil, plant 2-3 inches above the base of the trunk flare (where the roots meet the main stem) rather than at or below the original growing level. If the soil is very sandy, then plant at grade so that the soil at the top of the root ball doesn't erode or dry out. Overall, plant the root ball so that once some settling of the soil occurs, the trunk FLARE is at grade level.

Use water to settle soil and remove air pockets in planting area.

Stake the tree to flex with the wind only if tree is unable to stand up to wind.

Spread a two to three inch layer of mulch on entire area, but not within six inches of tree trunk.


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