

02月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写花作文200字左右初中]初中了还写200字的作文?哈哈 推荐一篇: 不与百花争报春,春深时节始登陆。当春满大地时,牡丹才绽放出她那甜美的笑靥。她的花朵娇艳饱满,花瓣重重叠叠,花色更是数不胜数,有姚黄、魏...+阅读

外婆家的那几盆水仙花可美了。 一月,水仙花开了!它那翡翠般的碧叶翠绿翠绿,绿得发光,绿得鲜亮,纵横交错的绿叶间,错落有致地开着几朵洁白无瑕的小花,花中嵌着一属黄金般的花蕊,散出阵阵淡淡的幽香,显得格外高雅。水仙花与泥土无缘,雨花石是它的“土壤”。我想:我要像它那样在思想上纯粹洁白,没有一点污泥。水仙花的根部像只大洋葱,根下长着白色的根须,它们像一条条长长的蚯蚓绕着一块块坚硬的雨花石,又显得十分倔强。

一阵风拂过,小花摇晃着脑袋,摆动着它柔美的身躯,似乎穿着水晶衣裳在水石上翩翩起舞,使人见了心旷神怡。我爱水仙!爱它的美丽芬芳,爱它的高尚纯洁,更爱它的顽强不屈!The pot of daffodils grandma can be beautiful. In January, the daffodils are out! Its emerald green leaves and green green, green light, green light, arranged in a crisscross pattern of green leaves, well-proportioned opened Jiduo spotless white flowers, flowers embedded a genus of golden flower, out bursts of light fragrance, it is particularly elegant. The daffodils and the earth no margin, Yuhua stone is its "soil". I think: I want to look like it in mind pure white, no sludge. Narcissus roots like a big onion root, with long white hairs, like a long earthworm around a piece of hard stone, and very stubborn. A gust of wind blowing, flowers sway shook his head, with its beautiful body, seems to wear clothes in the crystal water rise and dance in a happy mood, make people see feel fresh. I love the daffodils! Love its beauty and fragrance, the noble and pure love it, love it's indomitable spirit!


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