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[关于我的朋友的高中英语作文拜托了各位谢谢]高中英语作文:My Friend-我的朋友 John is the most diligent student in our class. He is one of my friends. As a matter of fact, he gets along with his classmates....+阅读

How to protect your teeth Good morning, everyone It is my pleasure to have a presentation in English. My topic is how to protect teeth. Maybe you will think it's amazing why i choose such a topic. I am not a dentist, it is a challenge for me. As many classmates had wonderful lectures in the past classes, almost all the topic were about culture and traveling, such as double ninth festival, mid-autumn festival, the introduction to Hangzhou. I want to be different, and decide to say something about health. When I read newspaper last week, it is said that decayed tooth, Cardiovascular disease, and cancer have become the three big diseases all over the world, and are hard to prevent and cure. Because I am seeing dentist these days, I know a little tips about protecting teeth as I chat with my dentist. Today, I am glad to share with you, and wish it will be helpful to your oral hygiene. Before cutting into the informal subject, I want to ask you a question. Who know that how many teeth an adult human normally has?

1、As we all know, teeth play an important role in our daily life. ①Teeth help you to form words so that you can speak properly. You will have noticed that when young kids lose their front teeth, their voices sound quite different. (you may consider my pronunciation is also poor, because my teeth are malocclusion). ②Teeth bite and chew food so that it is small enough to be swallowed. There are three sort teeth in our mouth. Different teeth do different jobs. Incisors are for cutting. Canines are for tearing. Molars and pre-molars grind up food until it's small enough to swallow. ③Good Teeth make us seem more beautiful. The movie star, they all have white, needy teeth.

2、Please treating Teeth Kindly. ①learn to brush teeth. “1233”. “1” one toothpaste for one person, no share within the family, or all the mouth bacteria will be collected at the toothpaste mouth and then taken away with other toothbrush. “2” Clean your teeth well twice a day, after breakfast and last thing before you go to sleep at night. After a meal have a drink of water (this washes your teeth and mouth). “3” take about 3 minutes to brush them. We should gently and thoroughly brush each side of every tooth and the gums. Brush up and down, rather than side to side. “3” have better change a toothpaste every three month. ②come into being good eating and drink habits Choose a wide variety of healthy foods every day. Eating much more Foods have lots of calcium in them, such as milk, cheese and yoghurt, which helps develop strong healthy teeth. Don't have lots of snacks between meals, especially ones that contain sugars and acids. These cause plaque to build up on teeth, which can cause tooth decay. Use your teeth only for chewing food. Cracking nut shells, chewing pen caps and tearing off clothing tags can crack enamel, dislodge fillings or loosen teeth. Popcorn kernels, frozen candy bars, and ice cubes can crack your teeth. Don't start smoking. It stains your teeth and can lead to disease in the mouth. Smokers are 4 times more likely to develop gum disease than non smokers. ③visit dentist regularly It's also important to visit your favorite tooth experts — your dentist and dental hygienist. During your appointment, they'll look out for any problems and clean and polish your teeth. Sometimes the dentist will take X-rays to get a better picture of what is going on in your mouth. You also might get a fluoride treatment while you're there. Extract wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth aren't used for anything and they are often removed because they can cause problems in a person's mouth. That's all. Thank you. Wish you all have good heath.


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