

02月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求篇英语自我介绍英语作文一百字左右!]My Chinese name is ***, and my English is ***.I am thirteen years old.I am a happy girl/boy.I like singing and reading. My favourite food is KFC. English and Ch...+阅读

"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." --Mark Twain How do you think April Fools' Day originated? Did some joker in biblicaltimes decide to switch the frankincense and the myrrh? Was there a historicepidemic of spring fever-tomfoolery in a tiny Finnish town in the early1800s? Did a New Yorker in 1910 find a cockroach in his coffee cup anddecide to recreate the experience for his officemate, thereby sparking afamous April 1 lawsuit? In a convincing testimonial to the saying thattruth is stranger than fiction, we'll tell you the story, or at leastpresent the most viable theory, of how April Fools' Day came to be. Once upon a time, back in 16th-century France, before computers, people celebrated New Year's Day on March 25, the advent of spring. It was afestive time. They partied steadily until April 1. In 1564, when the calendar reformed and became Gregorian, King Charles IXproclaimed, perhaps pompously, that New Year's Day should be celebrated on January 1 instead of in the spring. Diehard conservatives resisted the change (or perhaps didn't hear about it due to the absence of e-mail) and continued to celebrate New Year's from March 25 to April 1. During this period of spring festivity, the more flexible French mocked the rigidrevelers by sending them foolish gifts and invitations to non-existent parties. The victim of an April Fools' Day prank was called a "poisson d'avril," or an "April fish," because at that time of year, the sun was leaving thezodiacal sign of Pisces. April Fools' Day hit its stride (avoiding thebanana peel) in England in the 18th century, and was brought to colonial America by the English, Scottish, and French. No fooling.


求篇英语作文?Today, in our country, traffic accidents occur frequently. To the social security of the people to bring great risks. The serious consequences of traffic accide...

求篇150字的作文关于钓鱼暑假里,我和爸爸妈妈一同去余杭的五常钓鱼. 我们到了那里,停了车便走进一家小店,租了钓鱼竿,买了一种钓鱼用的香味诱饵918,借了水桶和板凳就全副武装开始钓鱼了. 我们先把918倒入...

求篇初中英语作文名字叫自己生活的变化 80词左右什么The change of my life My life,I think,is usual,but after I read the book《Jane Eyre》(《简 爱》).My life has some change. I hope that I could have a better life.I...

求篇作文以青春为话题青春是人生最美好的,犹如一日之晨、四季之春,犹如朝阳喷薄欲出,犹如花朵含苞待放,犹如骏马奔驰在草原,犹如雄鹰展翅在蓝天,犹如猛虎呼啸在山林。 青春是充满希望和憧憬的年代,多少...



求篇不少于800字的高中作文感受友谊 友谊,是人生最珍贵的感情之一.古今中外不知多少名人用多少优美的诗句来歌颂与赞美过它。曾经有一位伟人说过:”得不到友情的人将是终身可怜的孤独者;没有友情的社会,只...

求篇作文学会珍惜为题朋友,花落的声音,你听到过吗? 当花失去水分,失去芬芳,失去质感,枯萎的花瓣像一张陈年的黄纸,点点黄瘢似渍水留下的痕迹,丝丝残红记录着花开时的骄傲。 可惜,它已然没有了生命力,它不能...

求篇英语作文 enjoy sports enjoy life帮帮忙啊Sports All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer. Sports change with the seasons. People play dif...
