

02月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[08年12月四级作文预测30篇-16]度假方式情况变化 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic How People Spend Their Holidays. You should write at lea...+阅读

当然有啊。734条高频词组笔记(怕以后丢了,就转来了,实在是太有用了!没看过的,赶紧点吧~) 2008-07-28 16:35 | (分类:默认分类) 1.abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。 2. be absent from…. 缺席,不在 3. absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉 4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态)be absorbed in 全神贯注于… 近义:be engrossed ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on 5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有 6. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解 7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地, 8. of one's own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主 动地 9. in accord with 与…一致 . out of one's accord with 同….不一致 10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地 11. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据 12. on one's own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2) (=at one's own risk) 自行负责 3) (=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有…..重要性. 13. take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去...


08年12月四级作文预测30篇-6大学里的生活 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic: Living alone or Living with Roommates? You should write at least 120 wo...

08年12月四级作文预测30篇-15圈养宠物 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic Pet Raising . You should write at least 120 words following the...

2014年6月四级满分作文带中文翻译what is beautiful what is beautiful, people like to wear beautifulclothes,if we print some colorful pads of some wordson them.the clothes will become more attra...

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楚才作文:可惜不是我有没有范文啊谢谢了!我是在 范文部落 找到了,不知道对应你的题目吗,你看下吧 又到了樱花盛开的季节。我站在校园里迷离绝美的粉色云朵下望着远处的天空,眼泪还是流下来了。 其实,我舍不得你走的。...
