

02月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[第一次撒谎600字作文初一水平快快快]第一次说谎 记得孔子曾经说过:”内不欺己,外不欺人。“我常常以此为准则办事情。而且,在我的耳边,也常常萦绕着爸爸妈妈的告诫声:”丁予,做人必须要诚实,这是一种必备的素养。知道...+阅读

Water saving weekis coming. 你是西外的吧

Water is the most important to people's lives.But nowadays our sweet water is polluting toughly by those companies that only knowing how to make money and never being willing to protect our water resources.

In this year,what happened in the Southwest of our country has made us astonished.All those people who have to get by without sufficient water,or whose loved ones has been weak so much because of hydropenia.

They needed us to stand up for them and do all we can do to protect our water resources by calling on everyone to act and pitch in every campaign for our water.


我的母亲作文 400字初一水平快!我的母亲是一个关心我,极其慈爱的人 有人说母亲是一杯纯净水,透明的,没有丝毫杂质;有人说母亲是严寒冬季里一件厚厚的棉衣,为儿女遮雨避寒;有人说母亲是避风的港湾,在她的怀抱里最...

2011初一开学第一课作文快!!!知识守护生命 -----观《开学第一课》有感 这是一堂特殊的生命课。为我们讲述的是用知识守护生命的道理 这堂特殊的课以生命意识教育为主题,倡议全国的中小学学生每年每学期都...

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