

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我的梦想英语作文480字]【参考译文】:每个人都有一个梦想,无论是老的还是年轻的。我有一个梦想,太。我想成为一名教师。因为,我认为老师是个神圣的职业。 在平时,我是一个安静的女孩。但如果我站在舞台...+阅读

Culture... is an instrument manipulated by teachers for manufacturing more teachers who when their turn comes will manufacture still more teachers. I was privileged to be enriched with the culture by my teachers and it makes me proud to manipulate that culture to the next generation. That is why my dream is to become a teacher.

Humans were natural teachers to their young since the beginning of the human civilization where human dwelled on trees and in caves. They had the responsibility to teach the next generation techniques for survival. Thousands of years have passed, although the approach and purpose of teachers has changed dramatically from that of cavemen, I still feel the desire to be a teacher.

Being part of this developed society has benefited me as I received sophiscated education. Therefore, my dream is to pass them to my students through my care and knowledge. Confucius said that one must never be tired of learning and teaching. (注:孔子曰,学而不厌,诲人不倦.)Teachers are unselfish and dedicated individuals who help improve our society.

Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another. And I will contribute to that process by becoming a teacher.



My Dream

When I was a little child,my dream is to be a policewoman in the future.Because that is very honor.But now,I want to be a doctor.They have heal the wounded and rescue the dying spirit(救死扶伤的精神) .They are angel nurse(白衣天使)。They are the greatest man in the world.So my deam is to be a doctor.


写一篇200300字的关于我的梦想的英语作文梦想是当一名老师绝对原创。我是参加英语辩论的,即兴写东西最擅长,有什么问题问我好了。如果你还要更多的我再加咯,不过这应该差不多了吧 When I'm grown up, I want to be a teacher. This has...

关于一篇我的梦想的100字英语作文你好,同学,才看到你向我们团队发来的求助 My Dream Everyone has a dream.Some want to be doctors,others want to be scientists. My dream is to become a teacher. A good...

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初中作文 :我的梦想[初中作文我的梦想]每一个人都有自己的梦想,每一个人的梦想都是伟大的,幸福的,遥远的.就是梦想带我们去我们想要去的每一个地方,做我们想做的每一件事.梦想使每一个人为自己的目...

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求一篇关于我的梦想的英语作文and never stop trying because someday you'll reach and you', we are the ones that can control them and make them real. 展开全部 Everytime you feel lost and conf...
